College Chaplain.
An inspiring and hardworking individual!
Before joining YTTC (Yei Teacher Training College) as its first Chaplain in 2011, Rev Amule had served in the church (The Episcopal Church of Sudan, Diocese of Yei) in several capacities. His last job in the diocese before his appointment as the Chaplain of Yei Teacher Training College was that of a Diocesan Secretary, which he served for six successful years (two successful terms of three years each) from 2004 – 2010.
A highly respected clergy in the Anglican church of Sudan, now South Sudan, and Rev Amule is a humble and honest in all his public service and dealings. He wholeheartedly loves church and community service, and is always ready to learn new ideas, and attain more academic credentials. He holds a Diploma in Theology from St. Paul’s United Theological College in Kenya from 2001 – 2003. He is a professionally trained teacher in Mother Tongue both in South Sudan and Kenya, and has been a Local Language (Mother Tongue) tutor in YTTC for the last seven years, besides being an adult literacy teacher for four years (1998 – 2001).
He has also been involved in the development of the University of Juba Curriculum for National Languages and a PES Unit of Guidance and Counseling, which has been successfully passed out by the University Senate in 2015. Together with his colleague Mr. Were Patrick, Rev Andu is currently working on the modules development of National Languages, where they have produced the Year 1, and Year 2 modules successfully for improvement of education system in the country and to the glory of God. He has also completed writing the draft module for Guidance and Counseling under Professional Education Studies (PES). In the meantime he and Patrick are working of the development of Diploma (Year 3) module for National Languages.
Rev Amule’s key qualities are his attitude and spirit of honesty, humility, hard work, resilience, teamwork, service delivery, peace-seeking and making, willingness to learn and adapt, counseling and reconciliation skills, and able to establish strong relationship with colleagues, and across church denominations and among communities of various cultural, ethnic, religious, political and social divide among others,
Rev Andu is working hard to try to achieve the following in his lifetime:
- Ready to progress into a church and public management position by utilizing his technical skills.
- Looking to apply a range of skills and experience to a new challenge in voluntary service.
- Looking to become a professional counselor and teacher in his workplace, community, country and beyond.
- Seeking professional skills for peaceful solutions to all conflicts or disputes,
- Looking to upgrade his academic skills to Master’s Degree in community development or Christian leadership and administration for quality service delivery to his society.