Physical Education Tutor.
Benea is a Physical Education and mathematics tutor. He joined Yei Teacher Training College (YTTC) in 2016. Mr. Kwaje has excellent talent and skills in Physical Education and Sports, he found teaching a very enjoyable and talent exploring field. To Mr. Benea, tutoring in YTTC helped in rebuilding his career through exposure to the highly professional tutors, resources and ideas sharing in practical teaching with students.
Benea worked for five years as a County Inspector in department of Alternative Education system in Lainya County Education office. This program accommodates and gives opportunity to learners who missed education during the civil war.
He also explored his talent as head teacher for two years in Loka West primary school after deputizing in the same school for two years. Benea was an active board member of YTTC from 2009 to 2013. He loves to see his students continuously develop their career. He worked for four years as State school practice external moderator for YTTC with perspective of passing out teachers who are salt and light of society.
Benea graduated from Ndejje University in Uganda with Bachelor of Education Degree in 2014 majoring in Mathematics and Physical Education. He also obtained Diploma in Science Education Primary from National Teachers’ College Muni in 2008. He raised the ladder of his career journey in Arua Teacher’s Training College in 2001 with Grade 3 Teaching certificate as turning point.