College Nurse.
Naima joined the YTTC team in September 2010 as our college nurse. Her role is to provide first aid to the students and staff, including provision of an emergency ward. For serious cases she refers patients to Yei Civil Hospital or can refer them for tests at Marata Health Centre.
Working initially as a nursing aide in 1990 with Action Africa In Need, in Kaya South Sudan and then Uganda, Naima became a certified nurse in 2007 at Yei Medical Training School (now Yei National Training School).
Naima previously worked for NPA Mine Action in the Yei County bush. During that time she lost a close friend who was killed by a land mine, so she was grateful for new employment with YTTC, close to home. Naima enjoys the many benefits that the college provides, particularly the spiritual encouragement. She also values the opportunity to attend church nearby, which she was frequently unable to do in her previous employment.