The YTTC Annual Day of Prayer and Fasting, 2018
On an annual basis, YTTC takes a day off to pray and fast, thanking God for the past year and seeking His face for the coming one. This culture has continued even when staff are displaced from Yei. In 2018, all the 30+ staff of the College met on the 27th April in Kampala for this purpose with the theme: God’s call and our responses in times of hardship.
YTTC’s board Chair Bishop Hillary Luate and Director General Felix Amule joined the staff for this important convening. Other notable Ugandan preachers included evangelist Joseph Dradria, Canon Kofa Loli, Canon Fanuel Onzima who all expounded on different aspects of the theme for the day. However the 2018 prayer and fasting day chief guest was the retired arch Bishop of Uganda- Arch Bishop Henry Luke Orombi. In his remarks, Arch Bishop Orombi acknowledged with excitement and humility the God given privilege to speak to the staff of the College, reminding everyone present that it was Uganda’s God given responsibility to be good neighbors to South Sudan. He thanked Bishop Hillary for shepherding his people even in exile and the Principal for organizing such prayer sessions. He encouraged the staff to stick together, valuing community. This was the secret that had sustained the Jews these past 3,000+ years even as their traditional enemies the Jebusites, the Hittites etc got wiped out.
During such a day, YTTC staff also take time to thank God through specific testimonies and collecting alms and items to share with the less privileged. One of the testimonies was given by the College chaplain, Rev. Amule. God used him to heal a young woman who had been in a coma for long time and left at the mercy of witch doctors in Bidi bidi camp. The miraculous healing was a testimony to all witnesses in the refugee settlement of the ever present hand of God. Many bags of clothes, personal effects and money was contributed by the staff and will be given to those in need by the chaplaincy department.
By the end of the full day session, every participant left with a rejuvenated faith, thankful hearts and vibrant hope for the future.